Evan Gregg
  • Male
  • Amherst, MA
  • United States
  • artist
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Evan Gregg's Page

Profile Information

Are you an artist, arts organization or venue?
What town do you live in?
In which disciplines do you work or exhibit?
Photography, Film, Words
Artist Statement/Bio
I spent the last 6 years working as a location scout in and around NYC. As fun as it was it turned photography, which had been a creative outlet for me since childhood, into a monotonous day job. Having returned to the valley (I'm a native) I've rediscovered how much I love crawling around the woods and wandering aimlessly with a camera.

Lately I've been concentrating on site specific series. I pick a place, usually in the woods, and shoot everything that catches my eye. I rarely take wide shots of scenic vistas or straight on closeups of pretty flowers. I lean more towards the obscure and often abstract. When asked, i generally refer to my subject matter as "Plants and Rocks and Shiny Things." I almost never use a tripod, and I shoot on digital as if it were 35mm with minimal if any processing with almost never anything beyond the occasional cropping.
Describe your organization or gallery
I still work as a location scout and I am actively trying to bring productions out to Western Mass. If you are interested in having your home/business/property scouted please don't hesitate to contact me. I am always looking for every type of property imaginable from a suburban house to a dairy farm, to restaurants, and everything else the area has to offer.

I am also available on commission to shoot your property from a more artistic perspective. Each series is individualized based on your preferences. Anything from a collage of a few shots to a coffee table book to show your guests. You can see from my work that I have a unique perspective on nature and the less glamorous subject matter. I'd rather shoot a farm house than a fancy loft in Soho any day of the week.

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“Topographies and Other Surface Tensions” & “Icons of Animalia” at Goose Divine Energy

March 31, 2023 from 5pm to 8pm
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"Hello everyone! Below is a video with info re: the opening of the current show at Goose Divine Energy. Friday, March 31, 5-8PM Please come!"
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