"Letting conflict be one of our greatest teachers instead of our greatest fears. Conflict is organic and here to stay. Like Homeopathy, Process Work meta skills discover the missing power of transformation in the tension itself and is the fastest way to creating healthy community and relationships." (Arnold Mindell)
"Deep Democracy" is an approach that believes in the inherent importance of hearing all parts of ourselves and wide-ranging viewpoints in the world around us. In this 2-day power workshop, Carol Swann sources Arnold Mindell's Process Work (WorldWork Conflict Processes) and "Deep Democracy" to guide participants in a liberating examination of the subtle layers of rank & privilege. Tensions lying just under the surface – the shadows of class, race, gender, money, ageism, ableism, etc. – are acknowledged and redefined to reveal that EVERYONE has rank and that bringing greater awareness to our rank and privilege can radically impact our interpersonal dynamics. Caring and participatory theory, role-play exercises, and group processes engage our voices and social bodies to transform our relational, structural, and cultural interactions.
Sat. November 1, 9am - Sun. November 2
Culminates in an Open Community Forum, Sunday 2:30-6pm
Workshop fees are tiered for accessibility: student/retiree, regular, professional
(includes tuition, room & board)
Early Bird Special ($10 off) ends September 20th!
(configured into registration)
Earthdance cancellation policy
Earthdance 252 Prospect St. Plainfield, MA 01070
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