Artists working at the intersections of art and life,
Artists addressing real-world issues: what we eat, how we live, what we buy,
we govern, and our care for each other and the environment.
Working in the gaps between definitions and disciplines,
Using collaboration, research, technology, performance methods, spatial understanding,
creative community engagement, process, improvisation, and
What are the possibilities?
Artists: connected and consequential.

Connected and Consequential > generating new art ecologies features work by: Julia Handschuh, Seth Gregory, Maggie Nowinksi, Carson Poe, Perry Huntoon, Sita Magnuson, Nancy Winship Millekin, Carolyn Clayton, Henry White, Linda Bond, Harriet Diamond, Krista DeNio, Haley Morgan & Phyllis Labanowski.

Artists in Context is a flexible organizational framework designed to assemble artists and other creative thinkers to conceptualize new ways of representing and acting on the critical issues of our time.



Saturday November 12th 9-5pm **FREE**

Now, more than ever, artists are working collaboratively across disciplines to find creative, equitable and intelligent ways of transitioning to a more sustainable and just future. We see art that connects to and deals with real-life situations, work that is research-based and action-based, an art that focuses on the design of new conditions to live, think and act differently.

Session 1: Art at Work; Police, Nurses, Clerks and Politicians
Session 2: What Difference?

Session 3: Hybrid Practice; Case Studies in Creative Spatial Engagement
Session 4: Hands-On Research Methods in Alt-Mapping

Check it out at


OPEN CALL for E|MERGE [Deadline Nov. 7th]

E|MERGE is an interdisciplinary artist residency at Earthdance February 14-26, 2012

E|MERGE encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration toward forging new creative relationships, that bridge known and unknown territories. This residency is ideal for those interested in collaborating and cross-pollinating ideas with artists from other disciplines and backgrounds. Many of the collaborations begun during this residency have continued to develop into rich & ongoing artistic relationships. E|MERGE is a residency that has grown into an organically developing network of highly skilled artists. APPLY NOW!


PSYCHEDELIC OPEN CALL for the next VAS PRESENTS [deadline Nov. 25th]

Calling all artists who use color to create psychedelic, hypnotic, optically magnificent work for an online exhibition on Valley Art Share. Overwhelming use of pattern, bright colors, and bizarre imagery are all welcome. Please look to the first definition of "Psychedelic":

Of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of either euphoria or despair.

Upload images of your work to VAS and then send Perry an email with the URL to:



Farmers and food advocates are mobilizing to support the Occupy Movement through the donation of local food to occupations in New York and New England. Valley Art Share members Chris Landry and Leah Mae Dyjak along with others are hoping on board to document the process and help creatively message how local food security and sustainability is important to this growing movement for change. Stay tuned to for featured video profiles and portraits or contact if you'd like to get involved.



I hope ya'll are safe and sound after the storm this past week and the absence of heat and electricity incited an abundance of candlelit puppet shows, wood fires and cozy gatherings.


in creative solidarity,




P.S. Do you want to curate an VAS collection from the archive? email or drop me a line on my VAS profile.

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Goose Divine Energy posted an event

“Topographies and Other Surface Tensions” & “Icons of Animalia” at Goose Divine Energy

March 31, 2023 from 5pm to 8pm
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"Hello everyone! Below is a video with info re: the opening of the current show at Goose Divine Energy. Friday, March 31, 5-8PM Please come!"
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